Saturday, August 31, 2024

Dam Salmon

Our Dam beat is at a good height at the moment and Massimo Castelvecchi made the most of it with a nice fish of 10lbs on the fly last night on Pitlochry bank. Good to see a few fish about and well worth a go at the moment.

A 10lb fish for Massimo Castelvecchi last night on Pitlochry bank

Friday, August 30, 2024

Dam Grilse

There's plenty of grilse about this year and Adam Joseph managed to get hold of one yesterday on our Dam beat - a lively 4lber caught on the spinner on Portnacraig bank in the morning. As the water drops back into the weekend prospects should improve further - well worth a go.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Ruan Ruarie Fishing Well

There's lots of fish in our Ruan Ruarie beat right now and Gordon Macdonald made the most of it - three fish caught this morning at 4lbs, 5lbs and 5lbs - one of the fly and two on the spinner. When it's good up there it can be really good - well worth a go.

One of three fish caught by Gordon Macdonald this morning - Ruan Ruarie is fishing well

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Salmon And Sea Trout At The Dam

It was a successful day (3rd Aug) on our Dam beat for Gordon Stocks with a salmon of 6lbs and a sea trout of 2lbs - both on the spinner from Pitlochry bank in the afternoon. There aren't many fishers out at the moment but those that do venture out are are doing well - well worth a go.

And one from earlier in the year ... John Stephenson had a fish of 14lbs on the fly from Pitlochry bank on the 22nd Jun.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Dam Grilse

There's good numbers of grilse heading through our Dam beat at the moment and Duncan Webster was in the right place to intercept one - a lively 4lber on the fly from Pitlochry bank last night. There could be more to come this week.

A 4lb grilse for Duncan Webster last night

Friday, July 19, 2024

Dam Sea Trout

Jim Fisher ventured out last nighht for a cast at the Dam yesterday and was rewarded with a lively sea trout of 2lbs from Pitlochry bank - nicely done. There are lots of salmon moving through our beat at the moment - and it's definitely worth a cast.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Dam Salmon

The recent lift in water livened things up on our Dam beat on Friday - and Massimo Castelvecchi took advantage landing a nice grilse of 5 lbs last night - nicely done. There's no shortage of fish down there at the moment - well worth a go. 

A grilse of 5lbs last night for Massimo Castelvecchi

Monday, June 24, 2024

Ruan Ruarie Fishing Well

There's plenty of fish in Ruan Ruarie at the moment and it's been fishing well recently: Gordon Redmond had a day to remember last Tuesday when he landed a 10lber on the spinner. Well worth a cast up there at the moment.

A 10ber for Gordon Redmond at Ruan Ruarie

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Bank Clearance - Job Done!

It's that time of year again - some good work was done over the weekend getting the banks at the Dam and Sawmill knocked into shape for the second half the season - looking good.

Pitlochry bank in good shape after a bank clearance at the weekend

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Dam Salmon

Lots of fish showing at the Dam today and Jamie Howe managed to intercept one - a 10lber on the fly from Port-na-Craig bank this morning - nicely done. Our Dam beat offers a good chance of a fish and great value for money at the moment.

A 10ber for Jamie Howe on Port-na-Craig bank this morning

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Ruan Ruarie Success

Ruan Ruarie continues to fish well - Alexander Howie was the successful angler this time with a nice fish of 15lbs on the spinner this afternoon. This beat offers great value fishing for the adventurous angler.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Dam Fish

It was bright and sunny on our Dam beat today but with good water levels and lots of fish on the move there's always a chance. Joe Rae was the successful angler today with a superb fish of 11lbs on the spinner from Pitlochry bank this afternoon. There's lots of availability for the coming weeks and with good numbers of salmon moving through our beats right now our tickets offer great value for money.

An 11lber for Joe Rae on Pitlochry bank this afternoon

Friday, May 31, 2024

Ruan Ruarie Fishing Well

Lots of fish in our Ruan Ruarie beat at the moment - and two fish caught so far this week: Liam Mullen caught an 8lber on the spinner on Tuesday; and today David Wilson landed an 8lber - again on the spinner. Well worth a go up there - ideal for the more adventurous fisher.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Steady At The Dam

Low water yesterday but it didn't stop Jordan Wilson landing a nice fish of 11lbs from Port-na-Craig bank in the morning - nicely done. Today there was a lift in water levels and Gordon Hanslip took advantage with a fish of 10lbs (and another lost) from Pitlochry bank this morning. Good to see the Dam fishing well and it should continue into the weekend - prospects look good.

An 11lber for Jordan Wilson on Port-na-Craig bank yesterday

A 10lber for Gordon Hanslip from Pitlochry bank this morning

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Dam Continues To Fish Well

Bright  and sunny today - not ideal fihsing conitions - but with good numbers of fish moving through the beat there's every chance of catching one. Neil Tong was the successful angler today with a very lively fish of 11lbs caught on Pitlochry bank this morning. An excellent end to the week and hopefully more of the same next week. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Dam Salmon

Lots of fish heading through Port-na-Craig beat at the moment but they're on the move and not that easy to catch. Colin Hyslop did well, though, landing a lively fish of 9lbs on Pitlochry bank this afternoon after losing another earlier in the day - it can be done. Hopefully more to come tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Steady At The Dam

Good fishing conditions again today at the Dam and Jordan Wilson took advantage landing a superb fish of 14lbs on Port-na-Craig bank this morning. There's no shortage of fish at the moment and prospects for the rest of the week look good.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Dam Fishing Well

A rising river today but it didn't stop Craig Masson from catching a nice fish of 8lbs on Pitlochry bank this afternoon. Plenty of fish about and with the river now settling back prospects look good for the rest of the week.

An 8lber for Craig Masson on Pitlochry bank this afterrnoon

Friday, May 10, 2024

Steady At The Dam

Lots of fish at the Dam at the moment but not so easy to catch them. Graham Christie did well on Wednesday (8th), though, landing a nice fish of 6lbs on Pitlochry bank late in the afternoon. Good to see pereverance paying off - and that could be the key to the rest of the week.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Dam Fishing Well

A good water height, lots of fish showing and with four fish caught it was another great day at the Dam: Alun Williams had a morning to remember with three fish - at 15lb, 15lb and 10lbs - on Port-na-Craig bank this morning - nicely done: and Dave Stewart followed on in the afternoon with a fish of 8lbs from Port-na-Craig bank. Great to see the Dam fishing so well and with settled conditions forecast to continue hopefully it will be more of the same this week.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Good Start To The Week

Fluctuating water levels at the Dam today - never the best conditions - but it didn't stop Steve Watt landing a lively fish of 12lbs first thing this morning on Pitlochry bank - nicely done. In the evening Jim Fisher follwed up with a fish of 13lbs - again from Pitlochry bank. There's no shortage of fish about and with more settled water levels it should be good this week.

A 13lber for Jim Fisher on Pitlochry bank this evening

Friday, May 3, 2024

Dam Success

A challenging day at the Dam with low water and bright sunshine for much of the day. There's no shortage of fish, though, and Steve Watt did well to intercept one on Pitlochry bank first thing this morning - a very lively fish of 12lbs. Should be more of the same tomorrow.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Fish At The Dam

Bright and sunny at the Dam today - challenging conditions for the salmon angler - and when Jim Fisher lost a fish mid morning on Pitlochry bank he thought maybe his best chance had gone. Perseverance paid off, though, and not long after he managed to bring a lively fish of 8lbs to the net - nicely done. There's no shortage of fish at the Dam at the moment - and there should be more to come this week.

Almost there! - an 8lber on the way for Jim Fisher on Pitlochry bank this morning

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Excellent End To The Month

With a rising river in the morning and high winds at times it was a challenging day on the river but two fish were caught making it an excellent end to the month: Jonathan Dent landed a sea liced fish of 14 lbs on Port-na-Craig bank in the morning; and in the afternoon Alun Williams did well to get a 10lber on Pitlochry bank. With forty fish for April our Dam beat has been fishing well.

A 10lber for Alun Williams on Pitlochry bank this afternoon

Monday, April 29, 2024

Dam Fishng Well

The Dam dropped back slightly over the weekend but continues to fish well: Steve Watt was first into action with a fresh fish of 14lbs from Pitlochry bank this morning; and in the afternoon Matti Rautio landed a superb fish of 20lbs on Pitlochry bank. Great fishing at the moment - and with a bit of rain this afternoon prospects could be even brighter for the rest of the week.

A superb fish of 20lbs for Matti Rautio this afternoon on Pitlochry bank

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Excellent End To The Week

Good numbers of fish were showing at the Dam yesterday but despite the best efforts of the day rods none could be tempted to take a fly. In the evening, however, Martin Timmins had an hour to remember with fish at 10lbs and 20lbs caught on Port-na-Craig bank - nicely done. Conditions today were again favourable and two fish were caught: Neill Sproull did well landing a fish of 8lbs on Port-na-Craig bank this morning; and Roger Collins followed that with a 9lber from Pitlochry bank later in the morning. With fourteen fish caught on PAC beats this week the fishing has been excellent. There are still tickets available for May - historically our best fishing month - and for anyone looking for a good chance to hook up with a quality springer at a reasonable price look no further.

A 20lber for Martin Timmins on Port-na-Craig bank last night

Ready to be returned - Neill Sproull with an 8lber on Port-na-Craig bank this morning

A 9lber for Roger Collins on Pitlochry bank this morning

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Steady At The Dam

The river remains at a good height and there are definitely a few fish about at the moment. Craig Masson manageed to find a taker - a lively fish of 12lbs from Pitlochry bank this afternoon. Conditions look settled into the weekend - room for optimism.

A 12lber for Craig Masson on Pitlochry bank this afternoon

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Dam And Sawmill Success

The river dropped back further overnight but remains at a good fishing height and with fish from both our Dam and Sawmill beats PAC waters continue to fish well: Alex Mitchell was first into action with a lively fish of 8lbs caught on Pitlochry bank this morning; Ross Cuthbertson followed up with a fish of 8lbs from Port-na-Craig bank in the afternoon; and downstream at Sawmill Martin Wilson landed a nice fish of 8lbs in the afternoon. Seems to be a few fish about at the moment - worth getting out there.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Great Start To The Week

The river dropped back nicely over the weekend and conditions looked to be ideal this morning. It was a slow start. though, and at one point it looked as if it could be one of those disappointing days. Fortunately it wasn't long before the fish switched on and with six fish caught it was a great start to the week on our Dam beat; Gordon Nichol was first into action with a fish of 17lbs from Port-na-Craig bank in the morning; Iain McLaren landed a 12lber not long after on Pitlochry bank in the morning; Steve Watt had a 9lber on Pitlochry bank in the morning and followed that up with fish of 10 and 11lbs on Port-na-Craig bank in the afternoon - nicely done; and Jim Fisher rounded things off nicely with a fish of 8lbs from Port-na-Craig bank in the evening. Looking good for the rest of the week.

A 17lber for Gordon Nichol on Port-na-Craig bank this morning

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Excellent End To The Week

The river was at a good height again today and with five fish caught on PAC beats it was an excellent end to the week: Kieran Holliday got things going with a 13lber from Port-na-Craig bank this morning; later in the morning Peter Robinson caught a 10lber - also on Port-na-Craig bank - and then an 11lber from Pitlochry bank in the afternoon; in the evening Martin Wilson landed a 10lber on Port-na-Craig bank; and further downstream on our Sawmill beat Martin Timmins landed an 11lber on the spinner. Great to see the beats fishing so well.

A 10lber for Martin Wilson on Port-na-Craig bank this evening

Safely in the net - an 11lber for Martin Timmins on Sawmill this morning

Friday, April 19, 2024

Dam Success

Favourable fishing conditions at the Dam at the moment and with fish caught on each of the last two days the river is fishing well: Tom Sprought stuck at it yesterday and was rewarded with a late afternoon fish of 15lbs from Port-na-Craig bank; and  Roger Collins had a lively fish of 12lbs on Port-na-Craig bank this morning. All looking good as we head into the weekend.

A 12lber for Roger Collins on Port-na-Craig bank this morning