Keep up to date with the latest fishing news in the Pitlochry area of Highland Perthshire
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Continuous low water over the past few weeks have not encouraged anglers to have a cast at the Dam fishings. Fish have still been going through the ladder at a steady stream without many being seen on the river. Today regular visitor to the Dam beat Tony Brown fished a few hours on Pitlochry bank before heading to East Haugh for a cast and returned a 10lb fish on a Bobs Shrimp fly early morning. Tony reminded me of a previous return when he had 5 fish in the one day on this fly. I did not check out the dressing but on further investigation found there is more than one dressing under Bobs Shrimp fly. Further enquires to Bobby Whites blog on Tay catches might be worth a look. JK