Monday, April 22, 2024

Great Start To The Week

The river dropped back nicely over the weekend and conditions looked to be ideal this morning. It was a slow start. though, and at one point it looked as if it could be one of those disappointing days. Fortunately it wasn't long before the fish switched on and with six fish caught it was a great start to the week on our Dam beat; Gordon Nichol was first into action with a fish of 17lbs from Port-na-Craig bank in the morning; Iain McLaren landed a 12lber not long after on Pitlochry bank in the morning; Steve Watt had a 9lber on Pitlochry bank in the morning and followed that up with fish of 10 and 11lbs on Port-na-Craig bank in the afternoon - nicely done; and Jim Fisher rounded things off nicely with a fish of 8lbs from Port-na-Craig bank in the evening. Looking good for the rest of the week.

A 17lber for Gordon Nichol on Port-na-Craig bank this morning