Saturday, April 27, 2024

Excellent End To The Week

Good numbers of fish were showing at the Dam yesterday but despite the best efforts of the day rods none could be tempted to take a fly. In the evening, however, Martin Timmins had an hour to remember with fish at 10lbs and 20lbs caught on Port-na-Craig bank - nicely done. Conditions today were again favourable and two fish were caught: Neill Sproull did well landing a fish of 8lbs on Port-na-Craig bank this morning; and Roger Collins followed that with a 9lber from Pitlochry bank later in the morning. With fourteen fish caught on PAC beats this week the fishing has been excellent. There are still tickets available for May - historically our best fishing month - and for anyone looking for a good chance to hook up with a quality springer at a reasonable price look no further.

A 20lber for Martin Timmins on Port-na-Craig bank last night

Ready to be returned - Neill Sproull with an 8lber on Port-na-Craig bank this morning

A 9lber for Roger Collins on Pitlochry bank this morning