Sunday, June 28, 2015

News from the ladder

Just a short update on what's happening with the salmon counts at Pitlochry Dam fish ladder this year using information from our Pitlochry counter Twitter site (do please check this link out).
Salmon started getting up the ladder on or just before 29 March - a little earlier than last year - at a water temperature of 5.4C. At first fish just trickled through, but a larger pulse of fish ran through 22-26 April when the water temperature temporarily rose to close to 10C. At this stage, the count was ahead of last year's, but since then it has lagged a bit behind, and it is currently about 200 behind what it was on the same date last year.
Please click on the graph to see a larger version
The heron which specialises in taking eels at the foot of the fish pass each summer has now started paying visits to check things out, but the cooler water than normal this June means that eels have not yet arrived in any numbers, if at all.
Heron at Pitlochry fish ladder 27/6/15 Photo: Ross Gardiner