Andy Huthwaite gets his season off the mark tonight on Pitlochry bank - well done! |
Keep up to date with the latest fishing news in the Pitlochry area of Highland Perthshire
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Excellent Catches
A lot of fish were showing at the dam today but with nothing caught at changeover things seemed to following the pattern of the last few days - hard going with the fish not really in the mood. That changed mid afternoon when the fish really switched on: first into action was Tom Monaghan with a fish of 12lbs from Port-na-Craig bank at about 4pm on the spinner; this evening Jimmy Ross followed up his success of Monday with an 8lber from Port-na-Craig bank on the fly; Andy Huthwaite opened his season toniight with a very fresh 10lber from Pitlochry bank on the fly - well done; further downstream Les Dargie had a 10lber in the afternoon and lost another then returned this evening to catch a fish of 13lbs - both on the fly; and another two fish were lost this evening at the dam. Thing have really picked up - at last! - and prospects look excellent for the weekend.