Sunday, October 20, 2013


A last throw over the closing days saw Gordon Nichol finish his season with a fish around 6lb in Sawmill-----Peter Rejner had a fish just over the 4lb at the Dam beat and also had two come off.----William Wilson finished our season with a fish estimated at 16lb from Ruan Ruarie. This beat on the River Garry has hardly been fished in the past two seasons. We have one rod who fishes fairly regular ( Barry Ward ) and again he has been successful with 8 fish recorded between 4lb ----10lb. P.A C. fishing on the Tummel has had another great year with 170 recorded from the Dam beats and 52 from Sawmill. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our visiting anglers for their continued support of Pitlochry Angling Club. Look forward to meeting up with some well kent faces------so dont get caught out book early.   JK