Keep up to date with the latest fishing news in the Pitlochry area of Highland Perthshire
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Nice to see that Gordon Nichol and Calum Mc Roberts are still persevering on Sawmill despite a lengthy period of virtually no action on Tummel where Salmon are concerned. Fish have contined to run the ladder at the Dam over the past month at around 20---30 fish per day. A miniscule rise in water level at around 2 inches at the weekend saw first Gordon Nichol land a 6lb fish on an ( Allys ) in Sawmill followed next day by Calum Mc Roberts who had two at 4lb and 8lb on a ( Junction Gunn ) which Calum says he likes when the water clarity is poor. I believe the original dressing to belong to ( Jim Fearn ) AAPGAI casting instructor. A rise in water level could bring further success and finish a great season on Tummel. JK