Monday, October 17, 2011


Tummel season ended with a whimper. Despite a last effort on Sawmill by a few club members, the resident fish kept their heads down. Late on Saturday I looked over the high wall up into Sawmill as the light faded, Salmon were leaping all over, tails whirring. I am sure someone had told them the beings with the baggy pants and funny skip caps had left the river for another year. All was not gloom this season as a great spring run of fish had brought great sport right up to the end of June. It was just a pity that no Grilse run materialised. Total of fish through the dam----6589. Total caught on P.A.C. fishings----245. We can only look forward with anticipation to a new season on Tummel. Look forward to meeting up with all our visitors at the dam fishings next year. JK